Welcome to Kamakura.
Enjoy your stay in Kamakura by using taxi effectively.
Fare: First:up to 1.2km 500yen addition:up to 272m 100yen waiting: 1m40sec
*Taxi meter goes by distance and time.
Rough fare (from West gate of Kamakura st.)
・Daibutsu (Great Buddha) 800~900yen
・Zeniarai-benten shrine 700yen
・Houkoku-ji(bamboo Temple) 1300yen
If your visit to Kamakura is first, taxi is helpful for your sight-seeing.
We have plans to visit some famous temples and shrines. (2 hours~)
*order plan available (2 hours~)
Houkoku-temple ( known as bamboo garden) with a beautiful bamboo forest
behind main hall.
Great Buddha second tallest bronz Buddha in Japan which built in the
13th century.
Hase temple one of the oldest temples in Kamakura which houses gold-leafed
Kan-non Bosatu with eleven faces
Zeni-arai Benten shrine built in the 12th century which credited by the
superstition with the power of enrichment
Cost : 3310yen every till 30 minutes
*notice : admission and parking fee are extra-charged
Kamakura Smile Taxi TEL 0467-40-5370 (Ask and Reservation)